History of Communism

Communism was a form of socialism proposed by Karl Marx. It eliminated private ownership and attempted to create a so-called “classless” society. Communism sounded like a great thing. The people were told that in communism there would be no “class system,” which meant no bourgeoisie and proletariat. Bourgeoisie was the name given to the “class” filled with business owners and landlords and the proletariat class was all the poor people. Those who would rule under communism promised that everyone would be treated the same and paid the same. Everything would be owned by the government, and, therefore, since the people would own nothing, there would be no arguing or fighting over posessions or money. Marx thought this would be a distinguished government because everything would be shared, with peace eventually being brought. He was very wrong and millions of people would be killed in the name of communism.

Before he gained power, Marx created a club called the Communist League. In 1844, Marx met a German philosopher named Friedrich Engels. They became very good friends and together wrote the Communist Manifesto, which laid the foundation for socialism and communism. It was written to send a message to the proletariat class, telling them unite in a worldwide effort to overthrow the free market (also called capitalism) and to get rid of the so-called class system. He also wrote Das Kapital (The capital). It took him thirty years to complete and was published in three volumes.

Consider this quote: “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” -P.J. O’Rourke, Civil Libertarian

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